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Feature writing 


I have over 40 years of experience as a writer and journalist and have produced features and stories across multi-media platforms. This page shows examples of my work and will be constantly updated with new material. All words in the stories below are copyright Laura Joint. Click onto the images and text links to read the features. 


Three of Devon’s most promising young footballers share their inspiring stories to encourage more young girls to get involved in the game. Read their stories >>>

Interview with Mark Ormrod as he prepared for his remarkable 1k Drake's Island swim. Pix also by me. Read the story >>>

Lydia Corbett - Picasso's muse in the late 1950s - has a major retrospective of her work in London. Read the story >>>

The two naïve artists carrying on a Plymouth tradition made famous by Beryl Cook. Read the story >>> 

Plymouth Magazine coverage >>>

Best-selling children's author and illustrator Simon James tells me what inspires his work. Read the story >>>

Toby's extraordinary journey that led to plans for the UK's first hip hop theatre - and to an MBE. Read the story >>>

Jo Pavey supporting Women-only marathon. Read the story >>> 

Departing CO says restoration will enhance the Royal Citadel's offering to the community. Read the story >>>

The first Women Can marathon is announced. Read the story >>>